aditya das

Class 11: Computer Programming

3 minute read

For this class I mostly wanted to play around with the ESP-32 CAM. Originally I wanted to make a face recognition software, but that didn't seem to work for some reason so I settled for a color tracker. I followed tutorials which were very useful. However, I ran into a lot of minor problems mostly resulting from my incompetence and stupid mistakes (e.g. forgetting to attach the camera to the ESP-32, something which took me half an hour to realize).

Anyways, make sure to hover over the image gallery where I'll explain how I put everything together! My code is the CameraScanner example from the ESP-32 slot, and code adapted from RandomNerdTutorials which I'll link below. The only change between this code and the one I used is the SSID and password which you need to change for your own WiFi/internet system.

Download my code here!:
Color Tracker Code
Color Tracker HTML (same folder, new tab)

serial line 1

This image is the Serial print from when I first configured the ESP-32 CAM to my computer, mostly as a reminder that this took me way too long for something this simple.

serial line 2

Here this is the Serial monitor for the Camera code from the facial recognition example. It makes you open up a new tab with the link to see the stream.


Here's my ESP-32 lighting up! It just looks cool haha


photo taken on the camera. unflattering :(


After facial recognition failed (machines have difficulty realizing I have a face for some reason, even beyond this project) I turned to color tracking. I uploaded the code and read through it, and here's the result.

coca cola / hand

I tried to make it recognize the bright red of the coca cola bottle, but it didn't work. Maybe because of the text? Anyways, it worked on my hand, though