aditya das

Class 09: Programmable Electronics

2 minute read

Due to the fact that I was moving, I was staying in a hotel while I did this project. This meant that I couldn't do any WiFi-related projects since hotel WiFi has double verification. So, I decided to make something out of bluetooth!

I made a bluetooth-controlled LED strip, where I could control the color of the lights with my phone or iPad. I wanted to make it like those controlled LED strips that roughly every 15-18 year old has in their bedroom. This was surprisingly hard because the bluetooth lab in the class doesn't get into a lot of detail on how to actually read data inputted from the bluetooth. But, after lots of playing around and poking with the code, I managed to make it work! It's kind of basic and if I had more time I'd also integrate some sort of patterns, although that would be a very painful if-else input control. You can see the wiring (very basic) and a video demo below as well.

Download my code here!:
Bluetooth-controlled LED code
